Rules and regulations
The purpose of this regulation is to complement the institutional rules provided by the Statute of IAE Nice Graduate School of Management, which therefore cannot be modified, to ensure the internal functioning of the School.
To ensure the proper application of the Rules of procedure of IAE Nice, they must be read and well known by the entire staff and every student who attend regularly the premises of the School.
Article 1: Safety guidelines
Safety is everybody’s concern. Safety instructions issued by the qualified personnel must be followed. Fire drills are conducted throughout the year and are imposed upon everyone within IAE. Safety guidelines and emergency evacuation plans are posted on each level of the establishment.
Article 2: Order and cleanliness of the School premises
Staff, students and outside personnel authorized to use the facilities of the School must ensure compliance with the requirements of the rules of usage and cleanliness of the rooms and/or any material made available. Access to the School facilities is not granted to the individuals not taking part in the lectures given, neither to non-registered students, unless there is a specific authorization provided. It is strictly forbidden to eat or drink in the classrooms.
Article 3: Conduct
All students must always be dressed appropriately. They shall not disturb the lectures, especially not while waiting outside the classrooms where teachings are given. Abusive behaviour, such as deterioration of the facilities and/or the equipment, providing access to unregistered guests without prior authorization, damaging the image and reputation of IAE or the University, non-compliance with the basic rules of behaviour and courtesy … will result in a prohibition on access to the establishment.
Article 4: Smoking ban
In accordance with the provisions of Decree n°2006-1386 smoking is prohibited « in all enclosed public places and workplaces ».
Article 5: Flyers and exhibits
The distribution of flyers, notices or releases can be authorized only upon Dean’s approval. The distribution of these materials shall not under any circumstances disturb public order nor the teaching and research activities. Likewise, the form and content of such materials cannot be sexist, offensive or harmful to the reputation of any natural or legal person. In compliance with the principles of competitive neutrality within the public higher education establishments, the exhibit of the materials, brochures, newspapers, and internal sales by a student association is subject to the prior agreement of the Dean. All requests must be submitted by the organizers to the Administrative Manager at IAE, at least 48 hours in advance.
Article 6: Billposting
The right to billposting is recognized. IAE made available to staff and students a board where posting is free and subject to the same conditions applied to the flyers distribution. Official posting of administrative relevance must be made at the boards assigned for this purpose by the School Management and the Administration Office. Any posting outside the provided boards is prohibited and will be immediately removed by the Administration Office. The damage caused by illegal posting will result in sanctions against the authors involved.
Article 7: Associations
Associations wishing to place their headquarters at IAE need to submit a request to do so to the President of the University through the Dean of IAE. This request can be refused if:
· The purpose of the association is not related to the School or has syndical, political, religious meaning or is likely to disturb public order;
· The association is open to members other than IAE staff or students;
· The statute and the head of the association are not clearly identified;
· The President expresses his opposition to the registration.
Once a year, the associations registered at IAE need to disclose their statute and report their activities to the School’s Council. If these conditions are not met, the association in question may be deprived of eventual subsidies paid by IAE and the authorization for the registration at IAE can be withdrawn.
Article 8: Meetings
Staff or students’ associations can use the School premises to hold meetings or organize events, provided that they have beforehand requested permission from the Dean. All requests must be submitted in writing and specify the following:
The type of classroom needed
Article 9: Attendance
Course attendance is mandatory. Students shall attend all the classes associated with their Program. Each and every instructor shall conduct attendance verification. Any major tardiness or partial presence shall be considered as absence. Proof of a justified absence shall be submitted to relevant instructors and registrar office right after the student’s come back to School. Absence from an exam shall result in the failure of the respective course unit. Only in the case of force majeure, an additional repeat exam session shall be conducted. It shall comply with regulations set by the teaching body of the School. During an Evaluation Committee Meeting concerning semester validations or issuing diplomas, the Committee shall assess the conditions in which the attendance requirements have been fulfilled.
Article 10: Discipline
By enrolling in the IAE NICE Graduate School of Management students shall accept and respect the School’s Rules and Regulations. Students shall not disrupt classes. Instructors may exclude a student from the classroom if he/she interrupts the class. This exclusion is, therefore, considered as a non-justified absence. Moreover, any violation of this rule of respecting instructors and fellow students may result in sanctions voted by the Disciplinary Council. During all the classes, mobile phones and other personal electronic equipment shall be switched off. The penalty for not respecting this rule is the exclusion from class. Instructors may, however, authorize the use of some electronic devices during their class or exam, for which they take full responsibility.
Article 11: Examination and assessment regulations
Examination and assessment regulations are determined by article L 613-1 of the Education Code. These regulations set the general conditions and requirements for obtaining any degree offered by the IAE NICE Graduate School of Management. Regulations must be brought to student's attention, particularly by using the information boards reserved for the administrative staff of the School. Examination and assessment regulations shall be displayed on the information board no later than one month after the beginning of the current academic year and shall not be modified during the academic year.
Article 12: Examination Charter
In addition, Examination and assessment regulations shall be completed by an Examination charter. This document shall be brought to the attention of all involved parties (instructors, committee members, students and administrative staff) by using the information boards reserved for the Administrative staff of the School. Furthermore, Examination charter shall be available on the School's official website and in all Registrar offices.
Article 13: Teaching Equipment
All equipment provided by the School (video projectors, laptops, extension cords…) shall be used exclusively by the teaching staff. This equipment shall not, in any case, be lent to students for their personal use. Therefore, all students wishing to use their own personal computers in the School building are kindly asked to bring their own equipment (personal computers, chargers or any other needed accessorize). All equipment shall be lent after a prior request submitted at the Front Desk of the School. During the loan period, the equipment shall be placed under the full responsibility of a borrower who shall commit to returning it in good condition within the agreed deadlines.
Article 14: IT Equipment
Both teaching and administrative staff shall use the IT equipment, provided by the IAE NICE Graduate School of Management, in accordance with the IT charter of the University. This charter shall be available on the official University website. Moreover, it shall be distributed to all newcomers who shall declare the full understanding of the rights and obligations by signing this document.
Article 15:
School's Research centre and laboratory (GRM Research Unit – EA4711) shall strictly be reserved for the use of School's PhD students and researchers in the field of Management studies.
Article 16:
All authorized persons may use any available material or equipment (personal computers, internet, additional documentation in the library…) in a responsible way. None of the works and publications, IT equipment or scientific journals shall be taken out of the Research centre and laboratory.
Article 17: Property Rights
Members of the educational community (students, instructors, administrative staff) of the IAE NICE Graduate School of Management shall agree to respect, in any circumstances, property rights of the authors and manufacturers of used products unless they are granted for free. The users shall particularly, but not exclusively, agree to:
· install only legally obtained software and programs. Furthermore, these software and programs shall be approved by the School for the intended use and purpose.
· duplicate the protected works only under the conditions set by the contract signed between the University and the “Centre français d'exploitation du droit de copie (CFC)”.
Any user violating these rights shall be punished with an academic or administrative penalty. His/her Moreover, one owns responsibility may be accepted, under the conditions set by law, for any unauthorized or non-compliant use.